Authorial Illustration
The Mermaid of Zennor
In Words and Images
The Mermaid of Zennor has been a project spanning almost two years
Exploring the story of the the folk story of Zennor Mermaid originally published by William Bottrell and retold in many different ways since that publication.
This is my offering to the story along with poetry that attempts to give the characters a voice.
My interest in William Morris influences my ideas for the style and look of the book.
See Kelmscot Press for Morris's Decorative Styles
To the left are thumnail's for the layout
The Book
Left a mock up of the poem Page 2
My interest in William Morris has influenced
the design of the book.
The last great project of Morris's life was the Chaucer, printed by Kelmscott Press.
William Morris designed the fonts and boarders and Edward C Burn-Jones the illustrustrion.
The intention and aim
The boarder designs will be made into
Stone lithographs
in the spirit of Kelmscott Press
has a limited addition.